Detailed Programme

9:30-17:30 | Curso

Aula A4I

Introducción a los modelos de curación. Ricardo Cao, María Amalia Jácome

09:30-11:30 Primera sesión del curso

11:30-12:00 Café descanso

12:00-14:00 Segunda sesión del curso

14:00-15:30 Almuerzo

15:30-17:30 Tercera sesión del curso

20:00-22:00 | Recepción oficial del congreso

Pazo Quiñones de León (Parque de Castrelos)

8:30-9:30 | Registro y entrega de documentación

9:30-10:00 | Acto de apertura

Salón de Actos

10:00-11:00 | Conferencia plenaria

Salón de Actos - Moderador/a: Javier Roca Pardiñas

Comparison of different approaches to estimate linkage disequilibrium extent in crop breeding populations. María Gabriela Cendoya

11:00-11:30 | Café descanso

11:30-13:00 | Sesión Especial: Jóvenes investigadoras e investigadores

Salón de Actos - Moderador/a: Irantzu Barrio

11:30 Joint quantile autoregressive modeling for univariate and spatial time-series data in a Bayesian framework. Jorge Castillo-Mateo
11:45 knobi: an R package for estimating effects of environmental variability on the fish stocks production. Anxo Paz
12:00 Microbiome compositional data analysis for survival studies. Meritxell Pujolassos
12:15 Contribution of blood DNA methylation to the association between smoking and lung cancer. Arce Domingo-Relloso
12:30 Generalized linear models with interval-censored covariates. Andrea Toloba

13:00-14:00 | Sesiones paralelas de comunicaciones orales
Sesión C01: Métodos no paramétricos y semiparamétricos I

Salón de Actos - Moderador/a: María Durbán

13:00 Semi-parametric generalized estimating equations for repeated measurements in crossover designs. Nelson Cruz
13:15 Variable selection with LASSO regression for complex survey data. Amaia Iparragirre
13:30 Generalized spatial conditional overdispersion models: Semiparametric extensions proposals. Mabel Morales Otero
Sesión C02: Estadística Bayesiana

Aula A3I - Moderador/a: María Eugenia Castellanos

13:00 Spatio-temporal modeling: A flexible Bayesian approach. Jessica Pavani
13:15 Bayesian variable selection with missing data: An application to cardiology. Alicia Quirós
13:30 Overdispersed nonlinear regression models. Edilberto Cepeda-Cuervo
Sesión C03: Estadística espacial y espacio-temporal I

Aula A4I - Moderador/a: Rosa M. Crujeiras

13:00 A Shiny App for spatial species distribution modeling. Mario Figueira
13:15 A hierarchical spatial model for small area estimation of survey-based ordinal variables. Miguel Ángel Beltrán Sánchez
13:30 Joint modelling of several diseases for high-dimensional spatial data using a multivariate scalable Bayesian approach. A. Adin

14:00-15:30 | Almuerzo

15:30-17:30 | Pósteres

Patio exterior - Moderador/a: Irantzu Barrio

  1. Bayesian estimation of transition probabilities in multi-state models: study of hospitalization of severe influenza cases. Lesly Acosta
  2. Assessing risk factors of evolutive health-related quality-of-life and mortality: A joint modelling approach. Urko Aguirre
  3. Impact of the evolution of the sea surface temperature on the coasts of the Valencia Region. Laura Aixalà-Perelló
  4. A zero-inflated Bayesian modeling of sports injury risk incidences. Oihane Álvarez
  5. Is my vagina stressed? Bayesian Dirichlet models to investigate the effect of stress on vaginal microbioma in a Spanish cohort. Rubén Amorós
  6. Impact of the environment on health status of intensive care unit patients: functional data analysis using wearable monitoring systems. Juan A. Arias-Lopez
  7. Genome simulation study in GWAS models with heteroscedasticity across management regimens. Eugenia Bortolotto
  8. Statistical techniques and software used in the field of Clinical Medicine: A bibliographic review. Josep L. Carrasco
  9. Factor analytic biplot in multienvironment trials with incomplete data. Cecilia Bruno
  10. Proposal of statistical matching methodology to fuse data from different survey samples. Naroa Burreso Pardo
  11. A Bayesian Gompertz approach to evaluate the optimal surgical space for laparoscopic surgery. Gabriel Calvo
  12. Managing REDCap Data: The R package REDCapDM. João Carmezim
  13. Comparison of Statistical Approaches for Interval-Censored Data: Analysis of data from an HIV-negative MSM Cohort. Inês Carvalho
  14. Development of indices to quantify community capitals. Raúl E. Macchiavelli
  15. Analyzing unreplicated trials in precision agriculture. Mariano Córdoba
  16. Study of the performance of data-poor fish stock assessment methods. Marta Cousido-Rocha
  17. Temperature curves: A functional-circular view. Rosa M. Crujeiras
  18. On the modelization of count data with excess zeros. Negative Binomial and Poisson regression models for COVID-19 data. Irene de León
  19. Air quality analysis with supervised learning algorithms in Coyhaique, Chile. Mailiu Díaz Peña
  20. Modelling the COVID-19 ICU occupancy with area-level random regression coefficient Poisson models. Naomi Diz-Rosales
  21. Smoothing estimation of the functional ROC Curve. Graciela Estévez-Pérez
  22. Software tools at the Biostatnet-Granada node. Pedro Carmona-Saez
  23. Impact of imbalance data on logistic regression models to predict risk plant disease. Juan Manuel Fiore
  24. Correction for baseline covariates in clinical trials and observational studies. Matilde Francisco
  25. Mapping MusiQoL onto the EQ-5D-5L utility index in patients with multiple sclerosis. Leire Garmendia Bergés
  26. Estimating the probability of discharge among Covid-19 hospitalizations using cure models. Ida Höglund Persson
  27. High-dimensional unsupervised and/or supervised problems: a distance-based depth prototypes fuzzy approach. Itziar Irigoien
  28. Dealing with spatiotemporal dependence in spatial stock assessment models. Francisco Izquierdo
  29. Modelling spatial distribution of small pelagic fishes? biomass using boosted regression trees hurdle models. Laura Julià
  30. COVID-19 reinfections study from different statistical approaches. Nere Larrea
  31. Utility of the integrative analysis for the identification of microRNA for diagnosis. Julieth López-Castiblanco
  32. Statistical models for forensic voice comparison from a phonetic acoustic approach. Fernanda López-Escobedo
  33. Colliders in Applied Biomedical Research: an educational interactive web application. Miguel Ángel Montero-Alonso
  34. Response surface survival analysis methodology for block design. Oscar Orlando Melo Martínez
  35. Beta regression model zero-inflated to measure the incidence of disease in tomato plants. Sandra Esperanza Melo Martínez
  36. Age at menarche and its relationship to body mass index among adolescent girls in Chile: a joint modeling approach. Cristian Meza
  37. A bivariate zero-inflated Poisson regression model for partial body radiation exposures. Dorota Mlynarczyk
  38. Are green spaces contributing to gentrification in Valencia city? Susana Morant-Garcia
  39. Longitudinal study on nutritional profile of oropharyngeal cancer patients according to HPV status: a challenge for the statisticians. F. Morey
  40. Analysis of the health-related quality of life through PROreg R package: A case study of patients with eating disorders. Josu Najera-Zuloaga
  41. Some linear models to biodiversity data from organic carbon in Puebla, Mexico. Luis F. Grajales
  42. A comparison of infectious disease forecasting combinations methods. Manuel Oviedo-de la Fuente
  43. Dynamic zoning of agricultural plots based on satellite information. Pablo Paccioretti
  44. Statistical approaches for the integration of omics data. Carlos J. Peña
  45. Multivariate indices for experimental data: A comparative evaluation. Fabrícia Queiroz Mendes
  46. ICD9 to ICD10 update: effects in SVM fitting & prediction. Elies Ramon
  47. Potential risk factors of injuries in professional football using Multivariate Survival Trees: A comparison of female vs. male football players. Jone Renteria
  48. Dealing with batch effects in metabolomics data: A comparison of ComBat, WaveICA2, and a novel residuals method for classification. Blanca Rius-Sansalvador
  49. Effectiveness and safety of tetanus vaccine administration by intramuscular vs. subcutaneous route in anticoagulated patients: Randomized cinical trial in primary care. Sara Rodríguez Pastoriza
  50. A simplified model for the characterization of blood alcohol elimination. M.T. Santos Martín
  51. A new testing procedure for determining groups in cumulative incidence curves. Nora M. Villanueva
  52. Enhancing urban public transportation efficiency through accurate passenger volume prediction: A Bayesian spatial-temporal model applied to Beijing Metro. He Sun
  53. Applied statistics as an essential tool for the success of the relationship between epidemiology and clinics: the study of the involvement of Human Papillomavirus infection with oropharyngeal cancer. Sara Tous

17:30-20:00 | Actividades sociales
  • Paseo en barco por la Ría de Vigo
  • Bus turístico por Vigo

9:00-10:00 | Sesiones paralelas de comunicaciones orales
Sesión C04: Bioinformática

Salón de Actos - Moderador/a: Esteban Vegas

09:00 Are my counts Poisson? Jacobo de Uña-Álvarez
09:15 Minimum metabolic information for the reconstruction of the evolution of metabolisms. Irene García Mosquera
09:30 Deep neural learning to predict mRNA editing. Ferran Reverter
Sesión C05: Estimación y contrastes

Aula A3I - Moderador/a: Ana Pérez González

09:00 A new score test for distinguishing between the zero-inflated Poisson and the two-component Poisson mixture distribution. Anabel Blasco-Moreno
09:15 Unbiased estimators of kappa coefficients for two raters. María Álvarez Hernández
09:30 To trim or not to trim, that is the question. Pere Puig
Sesión C06: Análisis de supervivencia I

Aula A4I - Moderador/a: María del Carmen Iglesias

09:00 Mixture cure models with vector and functional covariates. Beatriz Piñeiro-Lamas
09:15 A simple procedure for testing the assumption of independent censoring under the mixture cure model when the cure status is partially known. Wende Clarence Safari
09:30 Inference under a second order Markov model. Guadalupe Gómez Melis

10:00-11:00 | Conferencia Plenaria

Salón de Actos - Moderador/a: María Xosé Rodríguez Álvarez

Statistical boosting for biomedical research: strengths and limitations. Andreas Mayr

11:00-11:30 | Café descanso

11:30-12:45 | Sesiones paralelas de comunicaciones orales
Sesión Especial: BIOSTATNET

Salón de Actos - Moderador/a: David Conesa Guillén

11:30 BIOSTATNET: advancing in the research of excellence in biostatistics at national and international level. David Conesa
11:45 A joint modelling approach for Health-Related Quality of Life and survival analysis of a 5-year follow-up study of COPD patients. Cristina Galán-Arcicollar
12:00 Shared parameter models for the analysis of randomized clinical trials whose primary endpoint is a normally distributed longitudinal response. Alberto García-Hernández
12:15 A Bayesian competing risks survival model to study the cause of death in patients with heart failure. Jesús Gutiérrez-Botella
Sesión C07: Epidemiología y COVID I

Aula A3I - Moderador/a: Luis Meira-Machado

11:30 Studying the effect of COVID in suicide-related emergency calls. Pablo Escobar
11:45 A study on group bias in healthcare outcomes for nursing home residents during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Basque Country. Hristo Inouzhe
12:00 Remdesivir in the treatment of COVID-19: An Inverse Probability of Treatment Weighting analysis. Cristian Tebe
Sesión C08: Análisis de supervivencia II

Aula A4I - Moderador/a: Guadalupe Gómez Melis

11:30 Modelling recurrent fragility fracture events. Esther García-Lerma
11:45 Bayesian zero-inflated multi-state cure models via INLA. Fran Llopis-Cardona
12:00 How do past training exposures affect injury risk in football? Lore Zumeta-Olaskoaga
12:15 Empirical power of CoxCombo test under uncertain proportional hazards: A simulation study. Jordi Cortés Martínez

12:45-14:00 | Sesión Especial: Homenaje a Carmen Cadarso

Salón de Actos - Moderador/a: Javier Roca Pardiñas

12:45 Carmen Cadarso como alumna de doctorado. Aspectos notables de su trabajo de tesis doctoral en la Bioestadística. Wenceslao González-Manteiga
13:05 Una vida para la bioestadística Thomas Kneib
13:25 Carmen Cadarso: mi maestra y mentora Jenifer Espasandín

14:00-15:30 | Almuerzo

15:30-16:45 | Sesiones paralelas de comunicaciones orales
Sesión Especial: Sociedad Española de Epidemiología

Salón de Actos - Moderador/a: Miguel Ángel Martínez Beneito

15:30 Statistical considerations for analysing data derived from longitudinal cohort studies. Rocío Fernández-Iglesias
15:45 Reconstruction of smoking prevalence in Spain by sex and age groups in the period 1991-2020. Carla Guerra-Tort
16:00 Association of plasma metabolomic compounds with the incidence of cardiovascular endpoints in the Hortega Follow-Up Study. Zulema Rodriguez-Hernandez
16:15 Bayesian-spatial distributed lag non-linear models: A temperature-mortality case study in Barcelona. Marc Marí-Dell'Olmo
Sesión C09: Métodos estadísticos en medicina I

Aula A3I - Moderador/a: Marta Bofill Roig

15:30 Competitive risk models in early warning systems for in-hospital deterioration: the role of missing data imputation. Juan Carlos Espinosa Moreno
15:45 Association between anthropometric status at birth and postnatal brain and bone growth trajectories in infants: evidence for brain-sparing effect. Tomás González Garello
16:00 GAMLSS models to explore the use of health services in community-dwelling older adults, according to frailty. Maider Mateo-Abad
16:15 Network-based R-statistics software for longitudinal designs: application in a fMRI brain scan database. Zeus Gracia-Tabuenca
Sesión C10: Estadística espacial y espacio-temporal II

Aula A4I - Moderador/a: Luis Fernando Grajales Hernández

15:30 Generalized additive model applied to principal component analysis of geographic data. Francisco de Asís López
15:45 Statistical models for the analysis of temporal patterns in work-related traffic injuries. Jesús Asín
16:00 A retrospective analysis of alcohol-related emergency calls to the ambulance service in Galicia. María José Ginzo Villamayor
16:15 Monitoring intimate partner violence against women with spatio-temporal hierarchical structures. Antonio López-Quílez

16:45-18:00 | Sesiones paralelas de comunicaciones orales
Sesión C11: Métodos no paramétricos y semiparamétricos II

Salón de Actos - Moderador/a: Marta Sestelo

16:45 Smooth k-sample tests under left truncation. Adrián Lago
17:00 An asymptotic lack-of-fit test for multiple quantile regression. César Sánchez-Sellero
17:15 Confidence intervals for the length of the ROC curve based on a smooth estimator. Pablo Martinez-Camblor
17:30 Directional density-based clustering. Paula Saavedra-Nieves
Sesión C12: Métodos estadísticos en biología

Aula A3I - Moderador/a: Pere Puig Casado

16:45 Frequentist and Bayesian compositional model to analyse longitudinal microbiome data. Irene Creus Martí
17:00 Bayesian additive regression trees (BART) applied to global scale species distribution models (SDMs): comparing present and future projections. Alba Fuster-Alonso
17:15 Statistical classification of potential radial glia cells based on nuclear shape measures after mechanical induction from astrocyte cultures. José Pablo Soriano-Esqué
17:30 Modeling the propagation of an epidemic in a stochastic SVIS model when a re-vaccination of the susceptible population is considered. María Gamboa Pérez
Sesión C13: Métodos estadísticos en agricultura y ecología

Aula A4I - Moderador/a: Urko Aguirre

16:45 Evaluation of management plans for almond leaf scorch disease in Alicante. Martina Cendoya
17:00 Variable selection strategies applied to identify climatic variables impacting the detection of crop diseases. Franco Suarez
17:15 When Ecological individual heterogeneity models and large data collide: An Importance Sampling approach. Blanca Sarzo
17:30 Extreme events in the framework of species distribution models: a Bayesian approach. Xavier Barber

18:00-18:30 | Café descanso

18:30-19:30 | Asamblea de la SEB

Salón de Actos

21:00-00:00 | Cena

Hotel Pazo Los Escudos

10:00-11:30 | Sesión Especial: Iberoamericana

Salón de Actos - Moderador/a: Raúl E. Macchiavelli

10:00 Retos en el análisis de datos de RNAseq de célula única. Liliana López Kleine
10:15 SPEED Stat: an Excel package for teaching experimental statistics. André Mundstock Xavier de Carvalho
10:30 Maximizing efficiency in platform trials with shared controls: Optimal allocation strategies. Marta Bofill Roig
10:45 Modelación estadística y aprendizaje automático para predicción genómica en mejoramiento genético vegetal. Mónica Balzarini
11:00 A two-stage approach for Bayesian joint models: Reducing complexity while maintaining accuracy. Danilo Alvares

11:30-12:00 | Café descanso

12:00-13:00 | Sesiones paralelas de comunicaciones orales
Sesión C14: Ensayos clínicos

Salón de Actos - Moderador/a: M. Amalia Jácome Pumar

12:00 An extension of the individual causal association for continuous non-normal endpoints in a causal inference framework. Gokce Deliorman
12:15 Statistical modeling to adjust for time trends in platform trials utilising non-concurrent controls. Pavla Krotka
12:30 Stepped Wedge Randomized Trial: a simulation study. Naiara Santos
Sesión C15: Epidemiología y COVID II

Aula A3I - Moderador/a: Hristo Inouzhe

12:00 A model to predict ceiling of care in COVID-19 hospitalized patients. Natàlia Pallarès
12:15 COVID-19 patient profiles in the Basque Country: A clustering approach. Lander Rodriguez
12:30 Covid-19 in Catalonia: small area estimation of cases, hospitalization, and a causal analysis of the effect of vaccination. Pau Satorra
Sesión C16: Estadística espacial y espacio-temporal III

Aula A4I - Moderador/a: Xavier Barber Vallés

12:00 Homicides of social leaders, human rights defenders and signatories of the peace agreement in Colombia 2021-2022 - A first spatial model. John Puerto
12:15 Bayesian inference for multivariate spatial models with R-INLA. Francisco Palmí-Perales
12:30 Disease risk estimation in small areas accounting for local spatial and spatio-temporal discontinuities. Guzmán Santafé

13:00-14:00 | Sesiones paralelas de comunicaciones orales
Sesión C17: Métodos estadísticos en genética y medicina forense

Salón de Actos - Moderador/a: Malu Calle

13:00 Compositional data analysis to explore the association between joint brain volumetric variation and genetic predisposition to Alzheimer's disease. Patricia Genius
13:15 Reference standards based on statistical methods for human identification in Mexico: Forensic Science Apps. N. Sofía Huerta-Pacheco
13:30 Genetically predicted telomere length and Alzheimer's Disease endophenotypes: a Mendelian Randomization study. Blanca Rodriguez-Fernandez
Sesión C18: Métodos estadísticos en medicina II

Aula A3I - Moderador/a: Klaus Langohr

13:00 Development of imaging biomarkers for ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) using multivariate statistical techniques and machine learning. Jose Miguel Carot-Sierra
13:15 Love Plot: an illustrative method to show the imbalance between groups. Judith Peñafiel
13:30 Assessing the diagnostic ability of medical tests with status defined by right-censored data at a specific time t. Sara Perez-Jaume
Sesión C19: Análisis multivariante y análisis de datos funcionales

Aula A4I - Moderador/a: Dae-Jin Lee

13:00 A new methodology for classification of partially observed curves: an application to aneurysm patients. Pavel Hernández-Amaro
13:15 Partial Least Squares for binary data and its associated biplot applied to the classification of Colletotrichum Graminicola strains. Laura Vicente-Gonzalez
13:30 Multivariate joint analysis of reading habits and practices among the staff of public libraries in Mexico. Mario Miguel Ojeda Ramírez

14:00-15:30 | Almuerzo

15:30-16:45 | Sesiones paralelas de comunicaciones orales
Sesión Especial: Italia-Portugal

Salón de Actos - Moderador/a: Anabel Forte Deltell

15:30 AUC estimation in logistic regression with missing data: A case study. Susana Rafaela Martins
15:45 Modelling the hazard of transition into the absorbing state in the illness-death model. Elena Tassistro
16:00 A practical guide to analyzing complex survival data with Kaplan-Meier. Luís Meira-Machado
16:15 Adverse events with survival outcomes: From clinical questions to methods for statistical analysis. Laura Antolini
Sesión C20: Epidemiología y COVID III

Aula A3I - Moderador/a: Jordi Cortés

15:30 Improvement of COVID-19 symptoms: a survival analysis study from a Portuguese cohort. Leandro Duarte
15:45 Predictability assessment of the first continental heat-cold-health early warning system: new avenues for human health forecasting. Marcos Quijal-Zamorano
16:00 Estimation of patient flow in hospitals using up-to-date data. Application to bed demand prediction during pandemic waves. María Amalia Jácome
16:15 Semi-Markov multistate models to analyze the disease progression of hospitalized COVID-19 patients during the first three waves in the Barcelona metropolitan area. Klaus Langohr
Sesión C21: Análisis de datos longitudinales

Aula A4I - Moderador/a: Natàlia Vilor Tejedor

15:30 Fixed and random effects selection in generalized linear mixed effects models. Danae Carreras-Garcia
15:45 Bootstrap aggregation for modeling biomarkers' change across the preclinical stage of Alzheimer's disease. Armand G. Escalante
16:00 Antedependence Skew-Normal linear models for longitudinal data. Martha Corrales-Bossio
16:15 Classification using a joint model of longitudinal data and binary outcomes based on the SAEM algorithm. Cristian Meza

16:45-17:45 | Conferencia Plenaria

Salón de Actos - Moderador/a: Danilo Alvares

Past, present and future of Bayesian biostatistics. Anabel Forte Deltell

17:45-19:00 | Acto de clausura

Salón de Actos