9:30-17:30 | Curso
Aula A4I
Introducción a los modelos de curación. Ricardo Cao, María Amalia Jácome
09:30-11:30 Primera sesión del curso
11:30-12:00 Café descanso
12:00-14:00 Segunda sesión del curso
14:00-15:30 Almuerzo
15:30-17:30 Tercera sesión del curso
20:00-22:00 | Recepción oficial del congreso
Pazo Quiñones de León (Parque de Castrelos)
8:30-9:30 | Registro y entrega de documentación
9:30-10:00 | Acto de apertura
Salón de Actos
10:00-11:00 | Conferencia plenaria
Salón de Actos - Moderador/a: Javier Roca Pardiñas
Comparison of different approaches to estimate linkage disequilibrium extent in crop breeding populations. María Gabriela Cendoya11:00-11:30 | Café descanso
11:30-13:00 | Sesión Especial: Jóvenes investigadoras e investigadores
Salón de Actos - Moderador/a: Irantzu Barrio
11:30 Joint quantile autoregressive modeling for univariate and spatial time-series data in a Bayesian framework. Jorge Castillo-Mateo11:45 knobi: an R package for estimating effects of environmental variability on the fish stocks production. Anxo Paz
12:00 Microbiome compositional data analysis for survival studies. Meritxell Pujolassos
12:15 Contribution of blood DNA methylation to the association between smoking and lung cancer. Arce Domingo-Relloso
12:30 Generalized linear models with interval-censored covariates. Andrea Toloba
13:00-14:00 | Sesiones paralelas de comunicaciones orales
Sesión C01: Métodos no paramétricos y semiparamétricos I
Salón de Actos - Moderador/a: María Durbán
13:00 Semi-parametric generalized estimating equations for repeated measurements in crossover designs. Nelson Cruz13:15 Variable selection with LASSO regression for complex survey data. Amaia Iparragirre
13:30 Generalized spatial conditional overdispersion models: Semiparametric extensions proposals. Mabel Morales Otero
Sesión C02: Estadística Bayesiana
Aula A3I - Moderador/a: María Eugenia Castellanos
13:00 Spatio-temporal modeling: A flexible Bayesian approach. Jessica Pavani13:15 Bayesian variable selection with missing data: An application to cardiology. Alicia Quirós
13:30 Overdispersed nonlinear regression models. Edilberto Cepeda-Cuervo
Sesión C03: Estadística espacial y espacio-temporal I
Aula A4I - Moderador/a: Rosa M. Crujeiras
13:00 A Shiny App for spatial species distribution modeling. Mario Figueira13:15 A hierarchical spatial model for small area estimation of survey-based ordinal variables. Miguel Ángel Beltrán Sánchez
13:30 Joint modelling of several diseases for high-dimensional spatial data using a multivariate scalable Bayesian approach. A. Adin
14:00-15:30 | Almuerzo
15:30-17:30 | Pósteres
Patio exterior - Moderador/a: Irantzu Barrio
- Bayesian estimation of transition probabilities in multi-state models: study of hospitalization of severe influenza cases. Lesly Acosta
- Assessing risk factors of evolutive health-related quality-of-life and mortality: A joint modelling approach. Urko Aguirre
- Impact of the evolution of the sea surface temperature on the coasts of the Valencia Region. Laura Aixalà-Perelló
- A zero-inflated Bayesian modeling of sports injury risk incidences. Oihane Álvarez
- Is my vagina stressed? Bayesian Dirichlet models to investigate the effect of stress on vaginal microbioma in a Spanish cohort. Rubén Amorós
- Impact of the environment on health status of intensive care unit patients: functional data analysis using wearable monitoring systems. Juan A. Arias-Lopez
- Genome simulation study in GWAS models with heteroscedasticity across management regimens. Eugenia Bortolotto
- Statistical techniques and software used in the field of Clinical Medicine: A bibliographic review. Josep L. Carrasco
- Factor analytic biplot in multienvironment trials with incomplete data. Cecilia Bruno
- Proposal of statistical matching methodology to fuse data from different survey samples. Naroa Burreso Pardo
- A Bayesian Gompertz approach to evaluate the optimal surgical space for laparoscopic surgery. Gabriel Calvo
- Managing REDCap Data: The R package REDCapDM. João Carmezim
- Comparison of Statistical Approaches for Interval-Censored Data: Analysis of data from an HIV-negative MSM Cohort. Inês Carvalho
- Development of indices to quantify community capitals. Raúl E. Macchiavelli
- Analyzing unreplicated trials in precision agriculture. Mariano Córdoba
- Study of the performance of data-poor fish stock assessment methods. Marta Cousido-Rocha
- Temperature curves: A functional-circular view. Rosa M. Crujeiras
- On the modelization of count data with excess zeros. Negative Binomial and Poisson regression models for COVID-19 data. Irene de León
- Air quality analysis with supervised learning algorithms in Coyhaique, Chile. Mailiu Díaz Peña
- Modelling the COVID-19 ICU occupancy with area-level random regression coefficient Poisson models. Naomi Diz-Rosales
- Smoothing estimation of the functional ROC Curve. Graciela Estévez-Pérez
- Software tools at the Biostatnet-Granada node. Pedro Carmona-Saez
- Impact of imbalance data on logistic regression models to predict risk plant disease. Juan Manuel Fiore
- Correction for baseline covariates in clinical trials and observational studies. Matilde Francisco
- Mapping MusiQoL onto the EQ-5D-5L utility index in patients with multiple sclerosis. Leire Garmendia Bergés
- Estimating the probability of discharge among Covid-19 hospitalizations using cure models. Ida Höglund Persson
- High-dimensional unsupervised and/or supervised problems: a distance-based depth prototypes fuzzy approach. Itziar Irigoien
- Dealing with spatiotemporal dependence in spatial stock assessment models. Francisco Izquierdo
- Modelling spatial distribution of small pelagic fishes? biomass using boosted regression trees hurdle models. Laura Julià
- COVID-19 reinfections study from different statistical approaches. Nere Larrea
- Utility of the integrative analysis for the identification of microRNA for diagnosis. Julieth López-Castiblanco
- Statistical models for forensic voice comparison from a phonetic acoustic approach. Fernanda López-Escobedo
- Colliders in Applied Biomedical Research: an educational interactive web application. Miguel Ángel Montero-Alonso
- Response surface survival analysis methodology for block design. Oscar Orlando Melo Martínez
- Beta regression model zero-inflated to measure the incidence of disease in tomato plants. Sandra Esperanza Melo Martínez
- Age at menarche and its relationship to body mass index among adolescent girls in Chile: a joint modeling approach. Cristian Meza
- A bivariate zero-inflated Poisson regression model for partial body radiation exposures. Dorota Mlynarczyk
- Are green spaces contributing to gentrification in Valencia city? Susana Morant-Garcia
- Longitudinal study on nutritional profile of oropharyngeal cancer patients according to HPV status: a challenge for the statisticians. F. Morey
- Analysis of the health-related quality of life through PROreg R package: A case study of patients with eating disorders. Josu Najera-Zuloaga
- Some linear models to biodiversity data from organic carbon in Puebla, Mexico. Luis F. Grajales
- A comparison of infectious disease forecasting combinations methods. Manuel Oviedo-de la Fuente
- Dynamic zoning of agricultural plots based on satellite information. Pablo Paccioretti
- Statistical approaches for the integration of omics data. Carlos J. Peña
- Multivariate indices for experimental data: A comparative evaluation. Fabrícia Queiroz Mendes
- ICD9 to ICD10 update: effects in SVM fitting & prediction. Elies Ramon
- Potential risk factors of injuries in professional football using Multivariate Survival Trees: A comparison of female vs. male football players. Jone Renteria
- Dealing with batch effects in metabolomics data: A comparison of ComBat, WaveICA2, and a novel residuals method for classification. Blanca Rius-Sansalvador
- Effectiveness and safety of tetanus vaccine administration by intramuscular vs. subcutaneous route in anticoagulated patients: Randomized cinical trial in primary care. Sara Rodríguez Pastoriza
- A simplified model for the characterization of blood alcohol elimination. M.T. Santos Martín
- A new testing procedure for determining groups in cumulative incidence curves. Nora M. Villanueva
- Enhancing urban public transportation efficiency through accurate passenger volume prediction: A Bayesian spatial-temporal model applied to Beijing Metro. He Sun
- Applied statistics as an essential tool for the success of the relationship between epidemiology and clinics: the study of the involvement of Human Papillomavirus infection with oropharyngeal cancer. Sara Tous
17:30-20:00 | Actividades sociales
- Paseo en barco por la Ría de Vigo
- Bus turístico por Vigo
9:00-10:00 | Sesiones paralelas de comunicaciones orales
Sesión C04: Bioinformática
Salón de Actos - Moderador/a: Esteban Vegas
09:00 Are my counts Poisson? Jacobo de Uña-Álvarez09:15 Minimum metabolic information for the reconstruction of the evolution of metabolisms. Irene García Mosquera
09:30 Deep neural learning to predict mRNA editing. Ferran Reverter
Sesión C05: Estimación y contrastes
Aula A3I - Moderador/a: Ana Pérez González
09:00 A new score test for distinguishing between the zero-inflated Poisson and the two-component Poisson mixture distribution. Anabel Blasco-Moreno09:15 Unbiased estimators of kappa coefficients for two raters. María Álvarez Hernández
09:30 To trim or not to trim, that is the question. Pere Puig
Sesión C06: Análisis de supervivencia I
Aula A4I - Moderador/a: María del Carmen Iglesias
09:00 Mixture cure models with vector and functional covariates. Beatriz Piñeiro-Lamas09:15 A simple procedure for testing the assumption of independent censoring under the mixture cure model when the cure status is partially known. Wende Clarence Safari
09:30 Inference under a second order Markov model. Guadalupe Gómez Melis
10:00-11:00 | Conferencia Plenaria
Salón de Actos - Moderador/a: María Xosé Rodríguez Álvarez
Statistical boosting for biomedical research: strengths and limitations. Andreas Mayr11:00-11:30 | Café descanso
11:30-12:45 | Sesiones paralelas de comunicaciones orales
Sesión Especial: BIOSTATNET
Salón de Actos - Moderador/a: David Conesa Guillén
11:30 BIOSTATNET: advancing in the research of excellence in biostatistics at national and international level. David Conesa11:45 A joint modelling approach for Health-Related Quality of Life and survival analysis of a 5-year follow-up study of COPD patients. Cristina Galán-Arcicollar
12:00 Shared parameter models for the analysis of randomized clinical trials whose primary endpoint is a normally distributed longitudinal response. Alberto García-Hernández
12:15 A Bayesian competing risks survival model to study the cause of death in patients with heart failure. Jesús Gutiérrez-Botella
Sesión C07: Epidemiología y COVID I
Aula A3I - Moderador/a: Luis Meira-Machado
11:30 Studying the effect of COVID in suicide-related emergency calls. Pablo Escobar11:45 A study on group bias in healthcare outcomes for nursing home residents during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Basque Country. Hristo Inouzhe
12:00 Remdesivir in the treatment of COVID-19: An Inverse Probability of Treatment Weighting analysis. Cristian Tebe
Sesión C08: Análisis de supervivencia II
Aula A4I - Moderador/a: Guadalupe Gómez Melis
11:30 Modelling recurrent fragility fracture events. Esther García-Lerma11:45 Bayesian zero-inflated multi-state cure models via INLA. Fran Llopis-Cardona
12:00 How do past training exposures affect injury risk in football? Lore Zumeta-Olaskoaga
12:15 Empirical power of CoxCombo test under uncertain proportional hazards: A simulation study. Jordi Cortés Martínez
12:45-14:00 | Sesión Especial: Homenaje a Carmen Cadarso
Salón de Actos - Moderador/a: Javier Roca Pardiñas
12:45 Carmen Cadarso como alumna de doctorado. Aspectos notables de su trabajo de tesis doctoral en la Bioestadística. Wenceslao González-Manteiga13:05 Una vida para la bioestadística Thomas Kneib
13:25 Carmen Cadarso: mi maestra y mentora Jenifer Espasandín
14:00-15:30 | Almuerzo
15:30-16:45 | Sesiones paralelas de comunicaciones orales
Sesión Especial: Sociedad Española de Epidemiología
Salón de Actos - Moderador/a: Miguel Ángel Martínez Beneito
15:30 Statistical considerations for analysing data derived from longitudinal cohort studies. Rocío Fernández-Iglesias15:45 Reconstruction of smoking prevalence in Spain by sex and age groups in the period 1991-2020. Carla Guerra-Tort
16:00 Association of plasma metabolomic compounds with the incidence of cardiovascular endpoints in the Hortega Follow-Up Study. Zulema Rodriguez-Hernandez
16:15 Bayesian-spatial distributed lag non-linear models: A temperature-mortality case study in Barcelona. Marc Marí-Dell'Olmo
Sesión C09: Métodos estadísticos en medicina I
Aula A3I - Moderador/a: Marta Bofill Roig
15:30 Competitive risk models in early warning systems for in-hospital deterioration: the role of missing data imputation. Juan Carlos Espinosa Moreno15:45 Association between anthropometric status at birth and postnatal brain and bone growth trajectories in infants: evidence for brain-sparing effect. Tomás González Garello
16:00 GAMLSS models to explore the use of health services in community-dwelling older adults, according to frailty. Maider Mateo-Abad
16:15 Network-based R-statistics software for longitudinal designs: application in a fMRI brain scan database. Zeus Gracia-Tabuenca
Sesión C10: Estadística espacial y espacio-temporal II
Aula A4I - Moderador/a: Luis Fernando Grajales Hernández
15:30 Generalized additive model applied to principal component analysis of geographic data. Francisco de Asís López15:45 Statistical models for the analysis of temporal patterns in work-related traffic injuries. Jesús Asín
16:00 A retrospective analysis of alcohol-related emergency calls to the ambulance service in Galicia. María José Ginzo Villamayor
16:15 Monitoring intimate partner violence against women with spatio-temporal hierarchical structures. Antonio López-Quílez
16:45-18:00 | Sesiones paralelas de comunicaciones orales
Sesión C11: Métodos no paramétricos y semiparamétricos II
Salón de Actos - Moderador/a: Marta Sestelo
16:45 Smooth k-sample tests under left truncation. Adrián Lago17:00 An asymptotic lack-of-fit test for multiple quantile regression. César Sánchez-Sellero
17:15 Confidence intervals for the length of the ROC curve based on a smooth estimator. Pablo Martinez-Camblor
17:30 Directional density-based clustering. Paula Saavedra-Nieves
Sesión C12: Métodos estadísticos en biología
Aula A3I - Moderador/a: Pere Puig Casado
16:45 Frequentist and Bayesian compositional model to analyse longitudinal microbiome data. Irene Creus Martí17:00 Bayesian additive regression trees (BART) applied to global scale species distribution models (SDMs): comparing present and future projections. Alba Fuster-Alonso
17:15 Statistical classification of potential radial glia cells based on nuclear shape measures after mechanical induction from astrocyte cultures. José Pablo Soriano-Esqué
17:30 Modeling the propagation of an epidemic in a stochastic SVIS model when a re-vaccination of the susceptible population is considered. María Gamboa Pérez
Sesión C13: Métodos estadísticos en agricultura y ecología
Aula A4I - Moderador/a: Urko Aguirre
16:45 Evaluation of management plans for almond leaf scorch disease in Alicante. Martina Cendoya17:00 Variable selection strategies applied to identify climatic variables impacting the detection of crop diseases. Franco Suarez
17:15 When Ecological individual heterogeneity models and large data collide: An Importance Sampling approach. Blanca Sarzo
17:30 Extreme events in the framework of species distribution models: a Bayesian approach. Xavier Barber
18:00-18:30 | Café descanso
18:30-19:30 | Asamblea de la SEB
Salón de Actos
21:00-00:00 | Cena
Hotel Pazo Los Escudos
10:00-11:30 | Sesión Especial: Iberoamericana
Salón de Actos - Moderador/a: Raúl E. Macchiavelli
10:00 Retos en el análisis de datos de RNAseq de célula única. Liliana López Kleine10:15 SPEED Stat: an Excel package for teaching experimental statistics. André Mundstock Xavier de Carvalho
10:30 Maximizing efficiency in platform trials with shared controls: Optimal allocation strategies. Marta Bofill Roig
10:45 Modelación estadística y aprendizaje automático para predicción genómica en mejoramiento genético vegetal. Mónica Balzarini
11:00 A two-stage approach for Bayesian joint models: Reducing complexity while maintaining accuracy. Danilo Alvares
11:30-12:00 | Café descanso
12:00-13:00 | Sesiones paralelas de comunicaciones orales
Sesión C14: Ensayos clínicos
Salón de Actos - Moderador/a: M. Amalia Jácome Pumar
12:00 An extension of the individual causal association for continuous non-normal endpoints in a causal inference framework. Gokce Deliorman12:15 Statistical modeling to adjust for time trends in platform trials utilising non-concurrent controls. Pavla Krotka
12:30 Stepped Wedge Randomized Trial: a simulation study. Naiara Santos
Sesión C15: Epidemiología y COVID II
Aula A3I - Moderador/a: Hristo Inouzhe
12:00 A model to predict ceiling of care in COVID-19 hospitalized patients. Natàlia Pallarès12:15 COVID-19 patient profiles in the Basque Country: A clustering approach. Lander Rodriguez
12:30 Covid-19 in Catalonia: small area estimation of cases, hospitalization, and a causal analysis of the effect of vaccination. Pau Satorra
Sesión C16: Estadística espacial y espacio-temporal III
Aula A4I - Moderador/a: Xavier Barber Vallés
12:00 Homicides of social leaders, human rights defenders and signatories of the peace agreement in Colombia 2021-2022 - A first spatial model. John Puerto12:15 Bayesian inference for multivariate spatial models with R-INLA. Francisco Palmí-Perales
12:30 Disease risk estimation in small areas accounting for local spatial and spatio-temporal discontinuities. Guzmán Santafé
13:00-14:00 | Sesiones paralelas de comunicaciones orales
Sesión C17: Métodos estadísticos en genética y medicina forense
Salón de Actos - Moderador/a: Malu Calle
13:00 Compositional data analysis to explore the association between joint brain volumetric variation and genetic predisposition to Alzheimer's disease. Patricia Genius13:15 Reference standards based on statistical methods for human identification in Mexico: Forensic Science Apps. N. Sofía Huerta-Pacheco
13:30 Genetically predicted telomere length and Alzheimer's Disease endophenotypes: a Mendelian Randomization study. Blanca Rodriguez-Fernandez
Sesión C18: Métodos estadísticos en medicina II
Aula A3I - Moderador/a: Klaus Langohr
13:00 Development of imaging biomarkers for ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) using multivariate statistical techniques and machine learning. Jose Miguel Carot-Sierra13:15 Love Plot: an illustrative method to show the imbalance between groups. Judith Peñafiel
13:30 Assessing the diagnostic ability of medical tests with status defined by right-censored data at a specific time t. Sara Perez-Jaume
Sesión C19: Análisis multivariante y análisis de datos funcionales
Aula A4I - Moderador/a: Dae-Jin Lee
13:00 A new methodology for classification of partially observed curves: an application to aneurysm patients. Pavel Hernández-Amaro13:15 Partial Least Squares for binary data and its associated biplot applied to the classification of Colletotrichum Graminicola strains. Laura Vicente-Gonzalez
13:30 Multivariate joint analysis of reading habits and practices among the staff of public libraries in Mexico. Mario Miguel Ojeda Ramírez
14:00-15:30 | Almuerzo
15:30-16:45 | Sesiones paralelas de comunicaciones orales
Sesión Especial: Italia-Portugal
Salón de Actos - Moderador/a: Anabel Forte Deltell
15:30 AUC estimation in logistic regression with missing data: A case study. Susana Rafaela Martins15:45 Modelling the hazard of transition into the absorbing state in the illness-death model. Elena Tassistro
16:00 A practical guide to analyzing complex survival data with Kaplan-Meier. Luís Meira-Machado
16:15 Adverse events with survival outcomes: From clinical questions to methods for statistical analysis. Laura Antolini
Sesión C20: Epidemiología y COVID III
Aula A3I - Moderador/a: Jordi Cortés
15:30 Improvement of COVID-19 symptoms: a survival analysis study from a Portuguese cohort. Leandro Duarte15:45 Predictability assessment of the first continental heat-cold-health early warning system: new avenues for human health forecasting. Marcos Quijal-Zamorano
16:00 Estimation of patient flow in hospitals using up-to-date data. Application to bed demand prediction during pandemic waves. María Amalia Jácome
16:15 Semi-Markov multistate models to analyze the disease progression of hospitalized COVID-19 patients during the first three waves in the Barcelona metropolitan area. Klaus Langohr
Sesión C21: Análisis de datos longitudinales
Aula A4I - Moderador/a: Natàlia Vilor Tejedor
15:30 Fixed and random effects selection in generalized linear mixed effects models. Danae Carreras-Garcia15:45 Bootstrap aggregation for modeling biomarkers' change across the preclinical stage of Alzheimer's disease. Armand G. Escalante
16:00 Antedependence Skew-Normal linear models for longitudinal data. Martha Corrales-Bossio
16:15 Classification using a joint model of longitudinal data and binary outcomes based on the SAEM algorithm. Cristian Meza
16:45-17:45 | Conferencia Plenaria
Salón de Actos - Moderador/a: Danilo Alvares
Past, present and future of Bayesian biostatistics. Anabel Forte Deltell17:45-19:00 | Acto de clausura
Salón de Actos